Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A dream

So last night I had a strange dream - and strangely I don't usually dream - so this came as a surprise.

I dreamed onion.

What a bummer. I waste my rare dream on an onion. Well it's not really so, onions are actually quite peculiar and special.

For some people, life is a rather simple A-B journey. This is really cool. You get a few hurdles and everything along the way like everyone else. But it's always clear. You start at A and you want to end up at B. You might end up at B or you might not, but that's not really important is it? You still always had your eyes on B.

For others, however, it's not so clear. They start at A, and then go towards B. But on the way to B they see C - and it looks so damn interesting. They change to C. Halfway there they remember something they wanted from B so might change direction again. This is usually complicated further when D, E, F and a whole lot of other letters show up as well (after Z, there's always unicode to use!)

For the first group of people life is in sync. It's like knowing the future - but knowing a single future. Everything is streamlined and chances are they will end up with something normally nice. For the sake of my dream, we'll call that thing fruit. They'll end up with an apple or a strawberry or maybe a banana.

For the second group of people life is a hectic mess - and some of them love it that way too. They don't know the future - but they can end up with a gazillion different futures. For those people nothing is guaranteed. It's all tidal and uncontrollable. Some of them actually do end up with fruit - but usually they are more exotic such as a pineapple or a kiwi. Alot of them don't end up with that. They end up onion.

When you say onion, must people's initial thought is "tears". Cutting up onions is a tedious job that many hate. But the secret is seeing the other side of things.

Medicinally, onions rank among the top plants ever. They can cure and help in so many cases it's amazing!

Then there's the awkward moment of sticking an onion into your salad. The onion usually feels out of place amongst all the colors of the salad. The truth of the matter is, they would never get along without the onion. Think of the onion as...the facilitator. Personally, I always wanted to be a facilitator. Little work and lots of praise. The onion, sadly, doesn't get those privileges, only gets the hard part. But it is, as far as I'm concerned, a job well done.

Think of a caesar salad. Where would it be without the onion?

Well, I'm a caesar salad :)

Then there are the layers thingy...but Shrek can explain that much better than me. He is, after all, an ogre :)


  1. I'm a bit biased. I like onions. I envy your dream about the onion. They are spicy and full of energy. They make you cry when the tears just won't come. They make you laugh when you play with them. They are an essential ingredient in just about everything. So I would be very happy if I did get an onion in the end. At least it'll be something different. I mean who wants a boring old banana anyway. Everyone else has one.

    No, I'd rather show off with my onion.

  2. I don't think ceasar salads have onions :P

    But nice way of interpreting a very strange dream :)
