Friday, August 10, 2007

Endings and beginnings

It is funny how things end and others begin. Sometimes endings are really good. When bad things end, good things are usually beginning. That is the way hope survives among humans. And hope is the only reason humans survive on a day-to-day basis.

It is unclear, however, what happens when something good ends. Sometimes things in life don't make sense. How can you make sense of ending something good? Why would you do it? It is usually for the hope of starting something better - but what if you are unsure of what the new thing would be like?

How many times did you leave a job for "something better" only to be faced by bitter disappointment?

And what about the "perfect thing"? Why would you end it if you have the perfect thing? Where do you move on from perfect? You hope for something better, but does that even make sense?

Endings are such a special time for everything. It is at the ending that things usually make most sense and you finally are able to appreciate that thing - or look at it bitterly if it was bad - and judge it for its true value. Every load and lie is stripped off at the ending and we are only left with the bare truth.

Beginnings are also special because it is there that you are most excited. Every beginning is exciting - even beginnings of bad things. It is the time when we, as humans, are re-energized to continue with life. Beginnings are essential for humans to keep moving through life meaningfully. Once something drags on for too long, we lose interest, and that is when we actually start losing that thing. That is the signal for the need for an ending.

This extends to every situation, even life itself. The birth of a child is always so exciting. It is energizing. It is the time of dreams and plans. The world is your oyster now. And then life starts to drag on and eventually, in death, people start to look at how that person lived their lives. They are then either appreciated - or despised.

Everything - no matter how good - must be laid to rest. It is only my dream that it gives birth to something better...and maybe that a little of the perfection drags on into the new thing.


  1. hmmmm.... i can't decide if this is a response, and if it is then in agreement or disagreement..

  2. ya moftary 2a3ed te blog yom fara7ak we sayebna e7na 2a3deen mestaneyeen henak? :P

    But I can relate to what you said, just not sure you can define things that easily as good or bad.. and a lot of the time bad things end and it still feels very bad that they ended and you wish they hadn't.

  3. Its been a while since i've visited your blog.i like the way you encourage philosophical thinking in your posts. For me,i welcome new beginnings. By aug each year,i look forward to the next,even if i don't want the year im in to end. Eg-i loved my time in egypt and think often of returning,but then i think of all the other places i'm yet to explore. Birth-death issue:this is something i reflect upon frequently.we enter the world as innocents,yet too many leave it as evil,cruel beings. Aah,wouldn't we all love to have the luxury of hindsight at the beginning? my thoughts are rambling,but i'll stop or else i'll write an essay. Endings,whether good or bad, must be. Such is the circle of life
