Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Reality is the most over-rated illusion there ever was.

I don't know what people mean when they say something "is real." It always bugged me. How do you define 'real'? Is it something you see and hear and feel? But the senses are different from one person to the other. Is it something who's nature people can agree about? There never was something that everyone could agree about. So what is 'real'?

The truth is I don't believe in reality. It does not exist. Reality to each of us is how each of us conceives the world around them. In essence, when we speak of reality we are actually talking about perspectives. I believe in perspectives, we each have our own different perspectives on things.

Take for example food. To my reality, eggs taste better than anything else. To one of the closest people in the world to me, eggs smell and taste worse than most things in the world. That is a difference of perspectives. A difference of how we both relate to the egg. We both have our different sets of reality.

This extends to how we relate to our environments as well. I see rain and it makes me happy, I run down the stairs and take a walk in the rain and enjoy getting wet. I enjoy the twinkling drops of water left on leaves and the washed look of the streets. To another person, the rain is a source of gloom. It forced them to cancel a beautiful picnic out in the park in the beautiful afternoon sun.

I loved the rain. They hated the rain. But the rain is not different, it's our perspectives that are.


  1. God... I never thought that egg issue is bothering you so much....:)

  2. Hrmm,... I'm not sure if you're talking about what is real or what is good/bad. I mean, the argument is mostly a way of saying that abstract concepts such as good, bad, beautiful, ugly ... etc, are all a matter of perspective, and that nothing is absolutely this or that - and I agree with that whole heartedly. However, the word "real" itself refers to something of this world, or of a different world, in my opinion. I.e. the egg is real, you won't get any sane person to tell you eggs don't exist. Broomstick-riding witches, however, are a fantasy and unreal because we have not (yet?) ever found them in this world. In the example you stated, the egg is real to both you and your friend, it is just grand to one and disgusting to the other, but you both acknowledge its existence.

    So just thought it worth mentioning that I think there's a bit of confusion going on here with regards to what you are actually arguing :)

  3. i think i got what you want to say,it is like that elephant story when a philosopher get a group of blind men and make them touch the elephant and ask them to describe what they touch and every one told him what he feels it looks like,everyone of them give him a different description cause everyone touch the elephant from different point although it is the same elephant that is the perspective issue you are talking about,and that means there is no truth there are points of view.

  4. @Dina: Olza's comments sums it up. Even the presence of the egg will be very much debated. If you bring a blind man and he touches the egg he might think it's a small ball or something.

    You base your argument on the sense of sight. We both see an egg so it DOES exist. But it's the same with taste, just a different sense. Why is it that someone thinks it's a wonderful thing to taste and the other thinks it's horrible?

    I personally have 'seen' broomstick -riding witches. Maybe it was a dream? Maybe a fantasy? But how can you say it was not real? Because it was not seen? Is that the definition of real? Because the soul is not seen either...;)

  5. I think we cant talk about the reality without the relativity term , everything in this existence is relative to us , how can u know that mango taste in ur mouth is better than mine in my mouth or vice versa ? or may be i see the sky more beautiful in my eyes than yours ,in my opinion that every being is separate than the other from all the surrounded reality or environment , every one has his own sky and his own sun , that means 6 billion sun :P

  6. Having your own opinion about something or seeing it your own way is the essence of relativity or perspectives. The idea of perspectives is that there's a 50-percent possibility that how I see something is wrong, which is OK.

    But there are things that no matter how I or you or any one sees, remain the same. Religion is one of these things; no matter how much I believe in individualism and perspectives, it would be really weird to concede that there's a 50-percent chance that my religion is wrong.

    Anyway, I love the rain too!

  7. "It forced them to cancel a beautiful picnic out in the park in the beautiful afternoon sun."

    Yes, I see what you mean by "reality as illusion" what picnic? afternoon sun? where does that happen anymore? :(

    and Olza, you should start a blog. fayn fayn?
